Thursday, July 14, 2016

7/13/2016 11:01 pm

Wowza I just realized it’s almost been a whole month since I’ve blogged, no wonder y’all have been contacting me asking me to post something. My bad. Everything is still fantastic. I still love it as much as I did a month ago, if not more so. I’m beginning to realize these people and friends are going to be lifetime friends. I haven’t posted in such a long time because there aren’t many times that I’m actually alone here, which is surprising for me because y’all know I LOVE my alone time. Somehow, I feel like I don’t need it here.

Work is going well for me still. My friend Raheem is going to be working pantry with us now so that will be a lot of fun. We got a new cook, Jovorn, who is causing a lottt of drama in the kitchen. He’s a very ‘my way or the highway’ kind of guy. He has a bit of a temper too. (Aka one time a server said the guest said his salmon was too dry so he punched the salmon and threw the whole plate in the garbage….yeah.) He’s nice to me though, but he’s mean to one of my closest friends here, Randall, so I’m not a huge fan of his. He just causes a lot of unnecessary problems in the kitchen.

Yesterday I was off, so I borrowed my friend’s truck and drove down into Ashford to use wifi and get coffee. Then we decided we wanted Buffalo Wild Wings so we drove to Puyallup to get Bdubs. Totally worth it, I got to go to Target too. I’m off tomorrow too, and my friend is letting me borrow her truck again, but I haven’t decided if I want to stay and Eno or go to Tacoma and visit coffee shops (they have a lot of cool coffee shops and I love & miss cool coffee shops). So, as of now this will be a two-part post and I will continue with what I end up doing tomorrow.

7/14/2016 4:19 pm

Well, I didn’t go to Tacoma or Eno. But I did come to Puyallup, which is a little closer to the mountain than Tacoma, and I did find a cool coffee shop. I looked at the traffic for Tacoma and did not feel like dealing with interstate and traffic. I got the chance to talk to Mom and Dad on the phone once I got into signal on the drive down, that was really nice. So sad I’m missing Blue Angels Week, but I’m still loving it up here so it’s fine. Driving up and down the windy mountain was a little disconcerting at first, but I think I’m used to it now.

Who knows when I’ll post next, but I miss you all and love you all dearly.