Monday, May 16, 2016

5/15/16 The day had finally come. And although I was eager to get the trip to Mt. Rainier started, the person above me in the hotel was especially eager for their day, because their pacing or walking or running in their room woke me up around 6 am. I went back to sleep in 30 minute increments until 9, when I finally decided to watch Netflix, for what would most likely be the last time this summer. I realized it was time to get up and moving, so I proceeded to take a shower, call my parents, get packed up and head downstairs. When I arrived to the shuttle, I realized I was one of the last ones there even though I got there 10 minutes before the designated pickup time. Oops, I guess 15 minutes earlier is always a safer bet. Oh well. The driver and I found room in the trailer for my giant suitcase, (although I was relieved when I saw equally giant suitcases already packed) climbed in and sat in the back. I unknowingly climbed in to this shuttle with 5 other people who would become my first friends on this trip.

We begin the ride with small talk and get-to-know you banter, but our first stop at McDonald’s was what really began these friendships. The 6 of us sat together, and as we began feeling more comfortable with one another, the jokes started flowing, and genuine laughter quickly followed. Soon after, we had inside jokes with each other. The next stop was Walmart. And shoutout to fun kid watches for being the source of a great bonding experience with my friend Sam. We raved over the options that they had, and she shared my sadness in the lack of a Captain America watch. Ultimately, I got a Spider-Man watch, and Sam got a Star Wars one. They were the hit of the shuttle on the ride to the next stop, I assure you.

Next, we were driven an hour to a small town Ashford to fill out, like, 20 pages of paperwork. That was really fun. But we also received our uniforms and drug tested. At this point we are all cold (but sometimes really hot because the shuttle had no in between temperature), tired, and hungry. Yes, my sass was very evident at this point. Up until then I was able to keep my sarcasm somewhat in check…that was no longer. It was well received though, thankfully I didn’t lose the 5 friends I made in that tiny little shuttle. From Ashford it was an hour drive to Mount Rainier, we all got out and enter into the employee dining room where we are welcomed by a salad bar and spaghetti. Thankfully, it was delicious.

Today was a lot of hurry up and wait. After we finished eating we met our housing coordinator (who is from Orlando by the way, so that’s cool). It took a while to get everything situated, so we were stuck in the employee dining room for about 2 hours. It’s a good thing we all (from what I can tell and hope) enjoy each others’ company. We joked about how the two dorms were rivals, and we could no longer associate with them. Finally, we went to our dorms. Unfortunately, none of us were placed in a room together, but we are on the same hall. Third floor of Guide House to be exact. There is no elevator, and the stairs are quite steep. Lugging my giant suitcase up the stairs was a fun experience. As of 9:54 pm tonight, I do not have a roommate. I’m all moved in, and the room is still pretty empty. I’m realizing some things I wish I had brought already, and want mailed up (sorry mom and dad). This will be my first experience with community bathrooms yipppeeee!

OH how could I forget. The scenery is absolutely beautiful. It was rainy and foggy and overcast so we couldn’t see everything, but what we could see was incredible. There are mounds of snow lining the sidewalk to my dorm. The trees are HUGE. It’s cold, but good cold. I cannot wait until we have a clear day and will be able to see everything.

Yes, I have only been here for one day but I can honestly say that I have laughed harder than I have in quite a while, I have left my comfort zone behind, and I am loving it. (ps. it took me a while to post this because I couldn't get the wifi to work last night)


  1. I am glad some of your new friends are on the same floor with you! Enjoy the adventure and learning new things from people from all over the country!

  2. Wow, Kristen! The snow is amazing!! I enjoyed reading about Day 2!! Thank you for the update!

  3. Krissy, what a great start to your summer! Enjoy every minute of it...I love you, SWEETY! -Daddy O

  4. Very excited for your adventures! Please keep up the writing, for this and the future. You have that natural ability to write in a way that lets someone visualize your words. As much as I hate Wallyworld, I was right there with you buying the watch. Awesome!!

  5. Wow! What an adventure. Thanks for writing the blog. I wish you the best at Mt. Ranier.

  6. Thank you Kristen for writing this blog. It makes us feel we are right there with you! It's going to be a great adventure!
