Saturday, May 14, 2016

Airports and Shuttles and People, Oh my!

Today, I made the journey across the country and am currently typing this in my hotel room in Seattle. The trip here was not too eventful, which is a good thing because eventful travels usually mean something went wrong. So for that, I am thankful. Although the baggage claim was running behind so I had to wait 30 minutes for my bag, and then 20 for the hotel shuttle...but that helps build patience, right? I was reading my book on the flight from Pensacola to Dallas, and the main character was discussing travel:

"I wondered at the connection I felt with airports. Fighting through long security lines and hordes of rushing travelers certainly caused me unease, but, once inside the terminal with time to spare, I was seduced by the magic subtleties of a place that not only seemed to expose the rawest and more emotional sides of people, but cultivated camaraderie among them as well...Most people, forced into the predicament of waiting, seemed to embrace the short-lasting, casual nature of the friendships they forged while passing through an airport." (-Nick Miller)

That passage really explains why, while travel and airports can be stressful, I sincerely love to travel. And today I realized that traveling pulls me out of my shell. I had so many conversations today with a wide variety of people. And I appreciate the brief friendships I made today. Every single conversation led to asking where I was heading, and when I told them about my summer plans, the responses were always positive. Recently, I have been second-guessing my decision to do this. However, when I heard everyones' overwhelmingly excited and positive responses, my worries subsided. Granted, I'll definitely have some butterflies inhabiting my stomach for the next few days, but I no longer question my decision.

So, tomorrow I embark on my bus ride to my future home of 3 months, and I am nervous...but I am pumped.


  1. Well written and so true about travel. Have s wonderful adventure! Love you and your love of adventure!

  2. I'm so excited for you! Have fun, take it all in! I'm looking forward to reading all about it and living vicariously through you this summer Enjoy! Nancy

  3. What a great first day! We look forward to reading more! Have fun, Kristen!
