Sunday, May 22, 2016

5/21/2016 1:36 pm Today has already been a good day and it’s not even 2 pm. Although I do go into work from 3-11 so that could change things. It started just like any other, except with the added uncertainty of when I go into work because the schedule was not posted last night. This led me to waking up, getting dressed for work, and going to breakfast with plenty of time to clock in before 9 am just in case (a common time to begin a shift). When I got into the EDR (Employee Dining Room), I went straight to where the schedule is posted to determine my plans for the day. Turns out, I don’t work until 3pm today, I have the next two days off, and then 3-11pm for the rest of the week. (Not a super great shift but whatever, I get to sleep in or hike in the mornings.) It’s not exactly a pretty day up here today, it’s foggy and misty and cold, so hiking was out of the question for me. This cleared up my day for plenty of reading! My friends and I eat breakfast, and chat about how Trevor feels ill prepared to be making lattes and knows nothing about them. I shared the little bit I do know about espresso based drinks, and they joked about wanting me to work in the cafe. Although, apparently it wasn’t all joking.

We finish breakfast and everyone heads to their jobs, but Kelly and I head to our dorms so I can change, then we walked over to visit the cafe. I ordered a latte and sat and read for a bit, it was nice. While I was there, I observed the dynamic between the managers and the cafe workers (although they do not have a cafe manager because she quit on the second day of work). The managers really seem to respect my friend Natalie’s input when it comes to running the cafe and whatnot. One funny thing I noticed, was when Trevor clocked in, the GM came into the cafe and saw that there were 3 people working and sent this kid Jacob home. Come to find out, the GM and Food and Beverage managers do not like him. They want him to be transferred to another work assignment, but then they would be short staffed in the cafe. I jokingly, but not really jokingly, suggested that they tell the managers to switch Jacob and me, because he wouldn’t have to talk to any guests (he’s not the best at customer service apparently). Natalie and Trevor loved that idea and adamantly said they would talk to the managers about it. Please keep your fingers and toes crossed that the managers go for that idea, because I would LOVE to get switched and work in the cafe with my friends.

After I had spent about an hour or so reading in the cafe, I wandered over to the gift shop where my friend Sam works. We chatted, and I bought a sticker for my laptop. I wanted to wait for her to get her lunch break before I headed to lunch myself, so I made my way to the upstairs of the lobby of the Inn to read some more. The second floor is beautiful. You get a better view of the structure of the inn, as well as the gorgeous hand painted lanterns that are suspended from the ceiling. Not only could I see the lanterns and architectural magnificence from the second floor, I also spotted a guy wearing a UCF sweatshirt. Yes, University of Central Florida. I honestly never expected to see that up here. I knew Sam was about to go on her lunch break, so when I went downstairs to meet her I made sure to give him a “Go knights”. Of course, this led to a conversation. He’s up here for work, in case you were curious. Sam and I went to lunch and discussed plans for the next couple of days. She and Trevor both get off at 3 tomorrow, so we are planning on hiking a trail that starts a little down the mountain once they get off. One of my fellow dishwashers recommended some good trails for us. Then on Monday, Sam, Kelly, and I all have the day off, so we are going to go explore Seattle. I’m very very excited.

After lunch, I helped Trevor carry some supplies back to the cafe, then came back to my room to read some more before work. I came across a passage in my book where a girl is talking about supernovas and how brilliant and powerful and bright they are for such a brief moment, then they’re gone. And honestly, that made me think about how every moment in life is fleeting, and any given moment could be a supernova of life: just a brilliant, powerful moment that can be brighter and happier than any other moment you’ve experienced thus far. The difference (beside the fact that our lives do not consist of exploding stars, duh) is that life supernovas don’t just happen, we have to make them happen. And I really think, and hope, that this summer is going to hold a lot of life supernovas for me.


  1. Hi, Kristen, I love your thoughts about life supernovas! And I believe you will have a lot of those this summer, too! I am going to keep everything crossed hoping that you will switched to work in the cafe! We love reading your blog... I try to picture you there in the beautiful mountains of Washington. I talked with someone today at church who said that she had been to Mt. Rainier, and that it was the prettiest place she had ever been!!

  2. Krissy - Ginger has taught you so much about making coffee that you should be an expert. Maybe they will make the change...we will keep our fingers, toes and whatever else crossed for you! I love the supernova thought and it is so true! Continue to make your supernovas in life happen! Love you!! -Mommy

  3. Life and Supernovas. Well done Krissy. You get it. Make the most of every moment.
    Love you Sweety!

  4. Kristen! Hoping you get the café job! Keep us posted. You are a very good writer!!! You could start a novel in your spare time?
